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Your Unique Family

While all families experience various challenges, the life journey for a special needs family is truly unique.


It is easy to start isolating yourselves as the demands contend for your time and energy. But that desire to withdraw from others should serve as the "signal" that you need to be in a community that understands what you are going through.


We are on this journey with you and want to provide the support you need.


Learn more about the B.O.N.D. program and contact us to see how it can be customized to fit your family's needs.

Luminous Healthcare Blog

As parents of a special needs child, we understand the unique life journey that your family is on. In our blog, we share resources we have come across to encourage you on your journey.

Luminous Healthcare Blog


Free Luminous Healthcare Resources

Are you in the process of toilet training your child? Here are a few charts that we've made that are completely free for you to use. We hope they assist your family in the process.

Luminous Healthcare Resources

Bathroom Tiles

Information About Specific Disabilities

The Center for Parent Information & Resources provides information on various disabilities including defining the disability, its characteristics, and parent and teacher tips.

Magazine Stack

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDDs) Resources

The National Institutes of Health's website has a page with links to websites of groups that study or provide information about IDDs.

Open Books

© 2024 by Luminous Healthcare

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