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Adversity Can Facilitate Growth

Let Us Help You BOND

Humans are relational beings. We were not created to go through life isolated from others. Therefore, relational challenges are simply a reality of life.


Are you:

  • discontent with your marriage and family?

  • discontent and frustrated at work?

  • constantly worried about failing as a parent or in your job?

  • anxious and fearful?

  • struggling to cope and are angry, turn to substances, or do things to escape unpleasant situations?


Many of these challenges are the result of dysfunctional relationship patterns. While difficulties in relationships are a reality for many, it doesn’t mean you have to feel hopeless when you experience it. THERE IS HOPE.


Are you struggling with:

  • problems enjoying time and/or getting along with your spouse, children, and/or family?

  • problems getting along and working with your coworkers?

  • sadness?

  • low frustration tolerance?

  • concentrating and staying on task?

  • managing your temper?

  • the propensity to blame others when you are angry or frustrated?

  • addictive behaviors (e.g., substance use, gambling, excessive shopping, excessive/restrictive eating, etc.)?

  • fear that prevents you from engaging in activities?

  • discontent with your life circumstances?


All of these issues have something in common. They are all the result of relational distress. These issues can be addressed through our B.O.N.D. curriculum.

B.O.N.D. Curriculum

The Covid restrictions brought to light pre-existing underlying issues that material wealth and possessions, entertainment, escapist-type behaviors, and a host of other distractions have covered up. Since most problems can be traced back to dysfunctional relationship patterns, we developed the B.O.N.D. curriculum to address these fundamental relational issues to facilitate attaining the joy and contentment in life that people desire.


B - Building

O - Open &

N - New Relational

D - Dynamics


The B.O.N.D. curriculum was designed to give you the tools to identify key issues that are negatively impacting your relational patterns and how to make incremental changes in your thinking, perception, decision-making, and actions. When applied consistently and in every aspect of your life, it can lead to positive relational transformation. 


Evan Esar said:

“You can’t do anything about the length of your life.

But you can do something about its width and depth.”


Taking the plunge into making change is not for the faint-hearted. It will not be easy and will require a commitment to do hard work even when you don't feel like it or when you don't have the energy to complete it. It will also require being transparent and accountable, something that many of us are inclined to run away from.


However, if that hasn't scared you off and you are ready to make the necessary sacrifices to change your relational patterns and experience joy and success in relationships and life, we are here for you! Take this opportunity to invest in yourself because by doing so you are investing in making the lives of others better as well.


Let Us Help You BOND!

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