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It's our desire to see your family thrive and bond!

  • We highly recommend that you go to our Blog as we post helpful information on various topics. 

  • Our Special Needs page also has links to websites with a wealth of information.

  • And, if you are looking for some fun potty training charts, feel free to download and use what is available on this page. We will continue to add to the list as requests are made for specific types of charts. 

Free Potty Training Charts

Toilet Training Challenges


It is not uncommon for children with ASD to experience toilet training challenges. They may have difficulty with: 

  • The various sensations and sounds associated with using the toilet;

  • Being aware of the need to use the toilet;

  • Communicating the need to go to the bathroom;

  • Changes in routines;

  • Gastrointestinal issues; 

  • Anxiety about the entire process;

  • And other assorted issues.


Parents can fall into the trap of feeling discouraged or overwhelmed when their child is not toilet trained right alongside other same-aged peers. However, rest assured that the time will come when your child will master independent toileting skills so don’t feel bad or compare your child’s skill level with others. 


Children with ASD often benefit from visual cues, so using a potty training chart to track and celebrate successful moments (e.g., from merely sitting on the toilet to successful voids in the toilet) can be helpful. 


Let your child pick from one of the many charts out there to spur interest, excitement, and investment in the process. But don’t be surprised if you need to get a little creative yourself.


Despite the countless potty training charts choices out there, our child needed something more in line with her specific interests. Here are a few of the charts that we made for her that are completely free for you to use. We hope they can be used to aid your family in the process.


Here’s to your child’s toilet training success and to another big developmental milestone that you as a family can celebrate together!

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